August 11, 2011

MapSculpt Texture

Using perlin noise (Processing noise() function) to autogenerate landscape texture.  Also a virtual sun and moon rotate around the landscape.

July 31, 2011

MapSculpt continues

Creating two apps so far for this, one for drawing a height map (16x9 pixels, to match HD aspect ratio).  The other renders this height map as a mesh.

The next steps will be to render laser-cutter paths for cutting out support framework to create this geometry as a wall mounted sculpture stretched with projection quality fabric.

Eventually hoping to wrap this up into a suite of tools written in Processing for others to take advantage of the technique.

July 29, 2011

MapSculpt: initial screenshots for upcoming show at Cornish College of the Arts

Here are some screen shots from a Processing app that I'm writing for the upcoming exhibit called Game Theory to be held at Cornish College of the Arts in early September.